Political Ads

Use the search options in the upper right corner of the page to search for ads by keyword, date, ad type, campaign status, speaker name and/or speaker category.

For 2016 and 2018 political ads from LuAnn Bennett, Colleen Deacon, Kim Myers, Jan Schneider and Anna Throne-Holst, contact the Catt Center at cattcntr@iastate.edu.

Recently added political ads

Kamala Harris Launches Her Campaign for President – July 25, 2024
Safe, Prosperous, and Free - Sept. 7, 2023
Moral Clarity Ad - November 30, 2023
American Strength Ad - December 8, 2023
New Generation Ad - December 18, 2023
Launches her 2024 Presidential Election Campaign - February 14, 2023
Bucks the System Ad - January 25, 2024
Beast of the Southeast Ad - February 6, 2024
One Year Later Ad - February 15, 2024