Terri Bonoff

Born:August 1, 1957 (age 66)
Career:Minnesota State Senate, 2005-2017
Education:B.A., Clark University

Terri Bonoff served in the Minnesota Senate from 2005 - 2016, representing District 44. She was the Democratic nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives in Minnesota's 3rd congressional district, but lost in the general election.

Bonoff was born in August 1, 1957, in Edina, Minnesota. She earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1979.

Bonoff became the CEO of Jewish Family & Career Services in June of 2019.

Ballotpedia (n.d.). “Terri Bonoff” Ballotpedia. September 10, 2022. https://ballotpedia.org/Terri_Bonoff

Jewish Family & Career Services of Atlanta, Inc. (n.d.). “Terri Bonoff” Jewish Family & Career Services of Atlanta, Inc. September 10, 2022. https://jfcsatl.org/about/terri-bonoff

Minnesota Legislative Reference Library (n.d.). “Bonoff, Terri E.” Minnesota Legislature. Retrieved September 10, 2022. https://www.lrl.mn.gov/legdb/fulldetail?id=15188

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