Gloria Richardson

Lived:May 6, 1922—July 5, 2021 (aged 99)
Education:B.A., Howard University

Gloria Richardson was a civil rights activist and leader of the Cambridge Movement in Cambridge, Maryland.

Richardson was born on May 6, 1922, in Baltimore, Maryland. Richardson's family were influential and affluent members in the state of Maryland. She earned her B.A. in sociology from Howard University. At Howard University, she was involved in political and social activism.

Following her university experience, she began her career in civil rights. She was the co-chair of the Cambridge Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. While co-chair, she found goals outside of desegregation to work towards, such as economic justice, housing justice, education, employment, and health care. In her career, the CNCC became part of a larger movement, known as the Cambridge movement. The Cambridge movement was successful in its goals of desegregation of Maryland.

Following this influential and important movement, Richardson left Maryland for the city of New York. She worked for the New York City Department for the Aging. In addition to her employment, she advised the Black Action Federation. She continued to be active in civil rights, social activism, and other avenues of racial justice.

Richardson passed away in New York City, on July 15, 2021.