Beverly LaHaye

Lived:April 30, 1929—April 14, 2024 (aged 94)

Beverly LaHaye was a Christian conservative activist and author who founded Concerned Women for America. CWA was originally intended to be a local group, but it went nationwide in two years. It calls itself “the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization devoted to biblical principles.”

LaHaye was born in Detroit, Michigan, on April 30, 1929. She attended Bob Jones University where she met her husband, Tim LaHaye. They were married in 1947 and had four children. LaHaye wrote "The Spirit-Controlled Woman" in 1976 as a companion to her husband’s book "The Spirit-Controlled Temperament." She later co-authored the "Seasons" series – "Seasons Under Heaven," "Showers in Season," "Times and Seasons," and "Season of Blessing." She and her husband co-authored "The Act of Marriage: The Beauty of Sexual Love" in 1976.

LaHaye formed Concerned Women for America in 1979 as a reaction to the feminist movement of the times. LaHaye felt that some feminists goals were to “dismantle the bedrock of American culture: the family” and that Christian women were being left out in the discussions on women’s rights.

LaHaye died on April 14, 2024.