Elise Stefanik

Obamacare - Apr. 22, 2014

Elise Stefanik
April 22, 2014
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Campaign status: Won

OBAMA: If you like your healthcare plan, you'll be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period.

STEFANIK: If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. Period. President Obama's statement was called the lie of the year. I'm Elise Stefanik and I’m running for Congress. At my family small business, we know it firsthand. We run premium plywood products and serve customers upstate and throughout the North Country, and we've always provided healthcare coverage. Yet, we received the notice that our policies were cancelled. We liked our healthcare plan, but we couldn't keep our healthcare plan, so this fight against Obamacare? It's personal.

We need to repeal and replace Obamacare with smart ideas that will work. Let's start with reducing waste, fraud, and abuse that costs billions and end frivolous lawsuits. We need to focus on lowering costs and increasing quality and accessibility for our hard-working families in the north country. I'm Elise Stefanik and I approve this message because my generation can't just complain about the problems, we have to help solve them as well.

MAN: Paid for by Elise for Congress.