Cathy Glasson

A Bold Progressive - January 16, 2018

Cathy Glasson
January 16, 2018— Iowa
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Campaign status: Lost

[Music] GLASSON: Being a bold progressive means that you are someone that doesn't give up, that actually is not afraid to speak up, stand up and talk about the issues that we care about. That means instead of rolling back wages, we raise the minimum wage to $15. Instead of taking away the rights for workers to form a union and collectively bargain, we need to make it easier for more workers to join together in their workplace with their co-workers to form unions and employee associations. We need to make sure that public education is a priority in our state's budget. We also need to make sure that we have- every Iowan has access to universal health care. Too often politicians like to take a look in the rearview mirror and see what has been, a bold progressive looks forward and says what can we do.