Elise Stefanik

Remarks on the Motion to Vacate - Oct. 3, 2023

Elise Stefanik
October 03, 2023— Washington, D.C.
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Mr. Speaker, anyone and everyone who knows KEVIN MCCARTHY, whether they are a friend or foe, knows that KEVIN MCCARTHY is a happy warrior. He is tireless. He has that uniquely American grit. Under KEVIN’s speakership, that lasted 15 rounds of him never giving up, this Republican majority have exceeded all expectations: We reopened the people’s House. We passed the strongest border security bill in our Nation’s history. We passed an energy plan to unleash American energy dominance. We passed Defense bills to support our troops. Under KEVIN’s leadership, he has brought hundreds and hundreds of bipartisan Members of Congress to Israel, our greatest ally. He elected the most diverse class of Republicans ever, with the largest number of Republican women ever in American history. This boy from Bakersfield, he cares deeply about his constituents, his country, and the American people, and that includes each and every one of his colleagues. He has been to our districts, toasted at our weddings, celebrated the birth of our children, mourned the loss of our loved ones, and has cheered us when we haven’t believed in ourselves, which is why the Republicans strongly support Speaker MCCARTHY and are proud he is our Speaker. Now more than ever, the Republicans must unify. The stakes are too high. We need to save our country, which is why this Conference is proud to strongly support KEVIN MCCARTHY as Speaker of the House of Representatives.