Alyse Galvin

Strong Alaskan Families - September 6, 2018

Alyse Galvin
September 06, 2018— Alaska
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Campaign status: Lost

GALVIN: I grew up right here in Government Hill and went south for schooling. I met my husband and we started our lives together in Anchorage. He was a busser and I was a server. We struggled we stretched leftovers to make do, bought groceries at midnight on payday. We avoided doctor's visits and worried pregnancy complications would mean financial ruin for our family, but through sacrifice and true Alaskan grit, we built a life for ourselves and raised our four kiddos right here in Alaska. So I know what it takes to support a family: housing, a good-paying job, health care, a community that supports them, and a real understanding of what healthy childhood development looks like. I know it, I've lived it, and as your congresswoman, I will fight to support all families the way I have fought to support mine.