Cathy Glasson

Deprivatize Medicaid - March 5, 2018

Cathy Glasson
March 05, 2018— Iowa
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Campaign status: Lost

[Music] GLASSON: When they privatized Medicaid in Iowa, what happened is the privatization was handed out to corporations basically, and those corporations were supposed to manage the care of these vulnerable Iowans. And what's happened is that the managed care of these of our citizens has actually failed miserably. The politicians in Des Moines didn't put patients or families first whatsoever when they decided to privatize Medicaid. They're looking at their corporate friends and CEOs not listening to the needs of Iowans and that makes me mad. I- it's just wrong, and so many Iowans that I talked to as a nurse feel the exact same way and we need to make sure that we address that and change it.