Amanda Renteria

Every Child Deserves a 21st Century Education - April 5, 2018

Amanda Renteria
April 05, 2018— California
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Campaign status: Lost

RENTERIA: The kids of this state are our smartest investment, and I saw that firsthand as a high school teacher and coach, but California ranks near the bottom in investments in preschool and k12 education. Over the last five years, budget cuts have taken preschool and childcare away from half a million low-income kids, and less than 40% of our high school kids have computer science classes and coding. Perhaps even worse, over the last 40 years, California nearly doubled spending on prisons while education budgets grew by less than half. If we want our kids to be prepared for the future, we need to shift resources from prisons to schools, make preschool available to all families, and ensure that every high school kid has computer science and coding classes. As a mom and a former teacher and your next governor, I'll make sure that our kids have prepared for the future.