Sue Bell Cobb

Time for a Lottery - February 7, 2018

Sue Bell Cobb
February 07, 2018— Alabama
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Campaign status: Lost

COBB: What does almost every state have that Alabama does not? Revenue, desperately needed revenue from a lottery. This is a winning ticket, and it doesn't even matter what the numbers are because this state is benefiting daily from revenue generated by this lottery. When I'm elected governor, Alabama will have the lifelong learner lottery. We’ll have a lottery commission that will be transparent and beyond reproach, and all of the revenue will be dedicated to three major areas. One, fully funding K-four and helping with child care. Two, it will fully fund career-tech so that every high school in Alabama will have state-of-the-art vocational education within his or her reach, and it will fully fund a gap for Pell Grants. What does this gonna mean? We will be bringing not just more, but better jobs to Alabama and this lottery will ensure that we will have the workforce trained and ready to assume those jobs. And that's how it's going to work y'all. It's time for Alabama to buy a ticket to a better future. It is time.