Alison Hartson

A New Dawn, A New Day - March 27, 2018

Alison Hartson
March 27, 2018
Print friendly
Campaign status: Lost

HARTSON: Despite working full-time, three out of four Californians wake up each day living paycheck to paycheck. Every morning, 27 million Americans go without health care coverage and while income for the wealthiest 1% has spiked to historic highs, wages for every day workers have fallen behind in the richest country in the world. 14 million American children live in poverty, but it doesn't have to be this way. We deserve a sustainable economy, one that works for all of us not just the privileged and the few. One that rewards hard work, where everyone plays by the same rules. We have the capacity, the technology, and the ingenuity to build it. Our real heroes are the hardworking people, those who never stopped reaching for the American Dream despite the long haul. We can no longer sustain an economy where those who gain their fortunes from stock investments pay less taxes than those who work in nursing homes. This isn't radical, it's just common sense. If early runs teach us anything, it's that it's always darkest just before the dawn. I'm Alison Hartson and I'm running for United States Senate because it's time for Congress to stop playing partisan politics and start passing policies that benefit the rest of us.