Mary Landrieu

Keeping the Promise - Jan. 7, 2014

Mary Landrieu
January 07, 2014
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Campaign status: Lost

LANDRIEU: I am Mary Landrieu and I approve this message.

NEWS CLIP: Hundreds of thousands of people across the country losing their current coverage.

NEWS CLIP: The administration is under pressure to act fast.

CLIP OF LANDRIEU: What I said to the President is, “You told them that they could keep it.”

NEWS CLIP: Landrieu has introduced the Keeping the Affordable Care Act Promise

CLIP OF LANDRIEU: I’m fixing it, and that's what my bill does, and I’ve urged the President to fix it.

NEWS CLIP: Senator Landrieu says President Obama needs to stick to his word.

CLIP OF LANDRIEU: This is a promise that you made. This is a promise you should keep.