Mary Landrieu

Fighter - July 15, 2008

Mary Landrieu
July 15, 2008
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Campaign status: Won

FACTORY WORKER: These vehicles protect our soldiers from roadside bombs.

SOLDIER: And these vehicles save American lives.

LANDRIEU: Our soldiers need these vehicles. Our workers are proud to build them. So I fought hard to keep this assembly line moving.

ANNOUNCER: When production was threatened, Landrieu reached across party lines to get millions, so this Louisiana factory could keep making these armored SV’s.

SOLDIER: Our guys over there are safer today because she stood up.

FACTORY WORKER: Mary Landrieu saved our jobs.

ANNOUNCER: Mary Landrieu—rated one of the Senate's most effective members. She works across party lines. Her seniority gets things done—for better schools, law enforcement, health care for kids.

LANDRIEU: I never just accept the way things are.

ANNOUNCER: She took on FEMA, brought jobs to every part of our state, and won Louisiana over $40 billion in offshore oil and gas revenue.

REFINERY WORKER: Otis talked about it. She did it.

ANNOUNCER: Mary Landrieu—fighting and winning for Louisiana.

LANDRIEU: I'm Mary Landrieu and I approve of this message.