Mary Landrieu

Father Daughter, Part 2 - May 13, 2014

Mary Landrieu
May 13, 2014
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Campaign status: Lost

LANDRIEU: I’m Mary Landrieu and I approve this message.

LANDRIEU’S FATHER: Don't you say that at the end?

LANDRIEU: You can start with it. I'm not so sure want to approve it at the end of this.

LANDRIEU’S FATHER: Mary’s always stubborn—but she got the oil and gas royalties for Louisiana.

LANDRIEU: They told me I couldn't get it done, but I did.

LANDRIEU’S FATHER: Or after the hurricanes, when she dragged FEMA all over the state.

LANDRIEU: We had to rebuild.

LANDRIEU’S FATHER: She got billions for Louisiana. See, I did say something nice.

LANDRIEU: Thank you, Dad.