Caroline Fayard

Coastal Restoration - Oct. 11, 2016

Caroline Fayard
October 11, 2016
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Campaign status: Lost

FAYARD: Hey everyone it’s Caroline Fayard, candidate for the United States Senate, and this week I want to talk to you about some important environmental issues like climate change and coastal restoration and how, as your next United States Senator, combating these issues is a key priority of mine. Briefly, my plan includes ensuring long term stability for the National Flood Insurance Program, working with Federal dollars such as the Restore Act and GOMESA Funds to make sure that they help close the gap between funding our state’s Coastal Master Plan and the monies that are still needed rely upon diversions and other programs based on sound science to make sure that we rebuild our coast effectively, and working hard to make Louisiana the nation's clean energy leader. So you can find out more throughout this week, and at our issues page at and follow us on social media like Twitter and Facebook throughout the week for more information. Thanks.