Whitney Fox

Democratic Nominee for FL13 Acceptance Speech -- August 25, 2024

Whitney Fox
August 25, 2024
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Whitney Fox: Wow, thank you all so much for being here, I am so grateful and humbled to have you here tonight. And more humbled to be, yes, your official Democratic nominee for Congressional District 13.
Audience: cheers and applause
Whitney Fox: What we've accomplished tonight is extraordinary and you should all be so proud. And it's because we have come together to say that we demand better, for our district, for our values, to stand up for what we believe in is right. And let me just tell you we made our voices heard tonight.
Audience: cheers and applause
Whitney Fox: Now, I want to be clear, this is not just my victory but this is our victory. This be-
Audience: cheers and applause
Whitney Fox: Yes, this belongs to all of you who knocked on doors, who made phone calls, and every single person here who has been behind us in this campaign every step of the way. So congratulations to all of you as well, truly.
Audience: applause and cheers
Whitney Fox: And I of course want to acknowledge and thank, uh, my uh fellow primary opponents in the race: thank you for a spirited race and for teaching me to be the best candidate I can be, you all taught me so much throughout this experience and I want to give a very sincere hand out in asking you to join forces with us. Bring you ideas, bring your passion, bring your supporters; because the only way we can be victorious moving forward is if we unite together. And that is what we plan to do.
Audience: applause and cheers
Whitney Fox: Now, I have meet many fantastic people throughout our community while running this campaign. People like Cheryl who lives in Clear Water who was working two jobs just t pay for child care and for groceries. Or Andrew, who lives in Largo who, his daughter, is expecting her - his first grandbaby. He sent her to live in north of the country because he didn't feel like it was safe for her to be pregnant here in the state of Florida. Many people I've meet who are struggling to decide whether or not they should pay for their prescription drugs or for rent. Seniors who are becoming homeless in our community. Many of you have shared your stories with me, whether its thankful that you've received abortion care so that you could have your next child, whatever the case may be. These are the people we are fighting for, and these are the values that we are fighting for. And we will not stop, and that is why we are so victorious tonight: because of the ideals we are standing up for. This is not about just winning an election, this is about bringing people together in a time where we are so divided, we are going to bring Panellas County together.
Audience: cheers and applause
Whitney Fox: And we are fighting for so much this election year, we all know. We are fighting for our freedoms, for women to be able to make their won healthcare decisions without the government telling them what we can and cannot do -
Audience: cheers and applause
Whitney Fox: Right? We are fighting to protect Social Security and Medicare, we are fighting to protect our economy that will be beneficial to everyone -- not just the select, wealthy few. This is what we are fighting for in our campaign.
Audience: cheers and applause
Whitney Fox: While we will, be sure we will be celebrating tonight, but let me tell you, our fight is not over. We have a lot of work to do, and the real fight begins tomorrow morning at 9am.
Audience: laughter
Whitney Fox: As we prepare for this general election and we've got a very short period of time to do so, but i am confident. With the community that we are continuing to build throughout Panellas' country. Not just with Democrates but with NPAs and Republicans who are coming together in this campaign. We are going to defeat Anna Paulina Luna.
Audience: cheers and applause