Lisa Blunt Rochester

Momentum - Sep. 7, 2016

Lisa Blunt Rochester
September 07, 2016
Print friendly
Campaign status: Won

WOMAN 1: Lisa's dedicated.

MAN 1: She listens.

MAN 2: She's different.

GIRL: I like that.

MAN 3: Lisa has the tenacity to get things done.

WOMAN 2: She's the exact kind of person that I want representing me in Congress.

WOMAN 3: I support Lisa.

MAN 4: She really understands the kinds of things that are important to people in Delaware.

WOMAN 4: She knows how important a job is to someone like me.

WOMAN 5: She is passionate about everything she does.

WOMAN 6: She'll stand up for equal pay.

WOMAN 7: Lisa Blunt Rochester.

WOMAN 8: I'm for Lisa.

ALL: We’re for Lisa!

BLUNT ROCHESTER: I'm Lisa Blunt Rochester and I approve this message.