Grace Meng

Remarks at the 2024 Democratic National Convention – Aug. 21, 2024

Grace Meng
August 21, 2024— Chicago, Illinois
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Generations of women fought for our rights. Our right to vote, our right to financial independence, and our right to reproductive freedom. Our mothers and grandmothers marched for us. Because of them, my husband and I were able to choose if and when to start a family. And we have two energetic boys running around at home.

Now it is our turn to take the torch for our children and grandchildren. All across our country, women are being denied life-saving health care and the right to determine their futures.

And a second Trump term will be even worse. He will not stop at banning abortion. He'll let states track pregnancies. He'll put birth control and fertility treatment at risk.

Trump's plan is cruel. It's dangerous. But it is not inevitable.

Tonight we mobilize for Kamala Harris. November 5 we move forward with Kamala Harris because we are not going back.

PBS Newshour. “Rep. Grace Meng speaks at 2024 Democratic National Convention | 2024 DNC Night 3.” YouTube video, 1:22. Aug. 21, 2024.