Anna Paulina Luna

Remarks at the 2024 Republican National Convention - July 17, 2024

Anna Paulina Luna
July 17, 2024— Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Thank you. I'm Congresswoman Luna, and I represent the great people of Florida. [applause]

The greatness and strength of America are beacons of hope for countless lives around the world. Our strength ensures our safety and security.

My husband and I knew this when we joined the Air Force. But we don't preserve peace and stability by policing the world or by involving ourselves in every foreign conflict. We preserve peace by commanding the world's respect, a respect that is earned through unparalleled military strength and firm, decisive leadership.

Over the past four years, the Biden administration has failed to uphold this standard. They have misused our resources in foreign wars contrary to our national interests, and they have eroded the lethality and fighting culture of our armed forces.

The leadership that we need, that respects our military and understands the true cost of war, is only found in Donald Trump. [applause] He will make America strong again. He will fight for the American warfighter, the American people, and America's interests.

Hawks and globalist elites do not sway President Trump. He knows the cost of military action like I do. My husband was shot in combat by terrorists and continued to deploy in the fight against America's enemies. I know the fear and anguish of waiting for news about a loved one in harm's way and the pain of losing friends in combat.

President Trump knows what it means to put your life on the line. Our service members and their families make immense sacrifices, and they deserve a president who respects that sacrifice and who would lay down his own life in defense of this great nation. [applause] President Trump has demonstrated he's ready to do just that. It is time that we all rise to his stature.

The world needs a strong America, and America needs strong leadership. President Trump will provide it. [applause] Regardless of race, gender, color, or creed, I urge you to vote for Donald Trump and JD Vance on November 5. [applause]

It's time to unite America. Thank you, Milwaukee. God bless the United States. Let's get him in. [applause]

PBS NewsHour. “WATCH: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna speaks at 2024 Republican National Convention | 2024 RNC Night 3.” YouTube video, 2:37. July 17, 2024.