Anna Paulina Luna

Nomination of Rep. Byron Donalds for Speaker of the House - Jan. 5, 2023

Anna Paulina Luna
January 05, 2023— Washington, D.C.
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Luna nominated Byron Donalds for speaker of the House of Representatives in the tenth ballot.

LUNA: Madam Speaker, I would like to rise to nominate Byron Donalds for speaker of the house.

HOUSE CLERK CHERYL JOHNSON: The gentlewoman is recognized.

LUNA: I've known Byron for roughly about four years now and being he's from the state of Florida, i can tell you I've come to know him on both the campaign trail and personally. [Johnson gavels] But I want to clarify something real quick to my colleagues across the aisle. What you're seeing with this discussion does not mean that we are dysfunctional. And in no way, shape, or form will a Democrat ever hold the gavel to a Republican-controlled house. These discussions and dialogues have actually been good for the American people and although the media tries to pit us against each other, I can tell you that it's been something that we need as a country. There are people frustrated with this process. Byron, through this entire time, has done something that I think most leaders do more of and that's listen, respect people when they're talking, understand the needs of the American people. be willing to take negotiations but also to realize when is the proper time to stand your ground on certain things. I ask my colleagues today to support him. I think he's an incredible representation of what this country is. And that is exactly why he has my vote for speaker of the House. Thank you.

"U.S. House of Representatives House Session." C-SPAN live video. Jan. 5, 2023.