Ayanna Pressley

I Believe in the Power of Us - Nov. 2, 2020

Ayanna Pressley
November 02, 2020
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[News Reporter 1] Ayanna Pressley is the big story tonight.

[News Reporter 2] She has been elected as Massachusetts’ first black congresswoman. Of course she defeated the ten time –

[Pressley] Two years ago, we made history. But we didn’t come together just to make history. We came together to make change. Together, we have fought for the humanity and dignity of our neighbors. We have legislated our values. We have centered the lived experiences of those closest to the pain. We have stood up against hate and injustice, in the face of rhetoric meant to divide us and to make us feel small. We have stood in our power.

The truth is, another world is possible. A world where every person can show up in the world, just as they are. Served by a government that truly sees them. Clean air to breathe. A living wage job. A safe place to live. Health care justice. We are building this world together. From every walk of life, we come together; defined not only by our shared struggles but by our brilliance, by our commitment to community, by our shared pursuit of justice. I will never stop fighting for you. Alongside you. Because I believe in the power of us.

Pressley, A. [Ayanna Pressley]. (2020, November 2) I believe in the power of us. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjvJINdpbRw]. Retrieved on February 9, 2022 from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFtjr4S5tz4zqZT5cfenkIA.