Carolyn Bourdeaux

Remarks on impeachment of Donald J. Trump - Jan. 13, 2021

Carolyn Bourdeaux
January 13, 2021
House impeachment proceedings for President Donald J. Trump
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Madam Speaker, I teach a civics class where I point out that our democracy is not self-executing; it requires people of good faith and ethics to make it work. The President has repeatedly challenged Georgia's election results but despite three recounts and many investigations the results are clear: Joe Biden won Georgia. The idea that our election was fraudulent is a lie. Our President used this lie to incite a violent mob to attack the Capitol. I ask my colleagues to act with ethics and good faith to reject these lies and in this case to support the article of impeachment.

Bourdeaux, C. [C-SPAN]. (2021, January 13). U.S. House: Debate on Impeachment Resolution Against President Trump [] Retrieved on February 16, 2022 from