Kathleen Williams

Who We Are - Oct. 18, 2018

Kathleen Williams
October 18, 2018
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Campaign status: Lost

WILLIAMS: I am Kathleen Williams and I approve this message.

ANNOUNCER: Greg Gianforte….

AUDIO CLIP OF GREG GIANFORTE: I'm sick and tired of you guys. Get the hell out of here.

ANNOUNCER: Assault and lies. This is not who we are. Insulting retirees and harming Social Security.

AUDIO CLIP OF GREG GIANFORTE: He wasn't cashing Social Security checks, he was working.

ANNOUNCER: This is not who we are. Gutting Medicare to enrich himself. Jeopardizing lives by cutting health care. This is not who we are. Greg Gianforte is not who we are.