Melissa Davis

The Difference - May 12, 2018

Melissa Davis
May 12, 2018— Georgia
Print friendly
Campaign status: Lost

DAVIS: I am running for Congress because I see so many things in the world that are just wrong and unfair. I believe when you see something that's not right, you have to do something about it. I am a wife, I am a mother, I am the daughter of a wonderful teacher and educator, and I know from my mom how important family is and how important a sense of community and helping others is, and that's not what we have today in this country. Today we have a president who is dividing the country, we have a Congress who's not listening to the constituents that they are supposed to serve. We need people with compassion, we need people who care about the community, and I promise I am committed to helping those that are suffering in the seventh congressional district. On May 22nd, vote for me, Melissa Davis. I am Melissa Davis and I approve this message.