Claire McCaskill

Taking Them On - July 17, 2018

Claire McCaskill
July 17, 2018
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Campaign status: Lost

NEWS ANCHOR: Prescription drug prices are rising nearly ten times the rate of inflation.

MCCASKILL: These pharmaceutical companies are using the law to feed their greed.

Prescription drug prices…
Soaring in cost.
The fight to survive, unfortunately, comes down to money.

MCCASKILL: They have raised prices in ways that make it impossible for families to take the drugs they need. We've got to change that. We can't allow Pharma to be that powerful.

Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill wants to hold drug makers accountable.
McCaskill launching a hearing into the pricing practices.
McCaskill is leading a Senate look into Teva Pharmaceutical Industries.

MCCASKILL: I'm trying to go after the greed. I'm trying to go after a system that's broken. I've actually had people in Washington warn me, say, "You know you oughta back off on these pharmaceutical companies. They're too big, too powerful." And then I think of the families who can't afford the drug. More importantly, families who have lost a loved one to a heroin overdose. And I say I don't care how big or powerful they are, we're gonna get after this. I'm Claire McCaskill and I approve this message.