Tammy S Baldwin

Stories - May 21, 2018

Tammy S Baldwin
May 21, 2018
Print friendly
Campaign status: Won

BEV KELLEY-MILLER: Megan was always a good kid. She was happy. She loved to tell stories and she loved to laugh. On April 14, 2015, I received a phone call that a parent never wants to receive. My present and my future has totally changed. I know that Tammy Baldwin understands addiction. She understands that anyone can be affected by it. I think that Megan would be proud of people like Tammy who are trying to help. There's many politicians that only do what the lobbyists want them to do, but we are the ordinary citizens of Wisconsin and we need Tammy so that we get the help that we need.

BALDWIN: I'm Tammy Baldwin and I approve this message.