Tammy S Baldwin

Fierce - May 29, 2018

Tammy S Baldwin
May 29, 2018
Print friendly
Campaign status: Won

BILL FLORY: A ship can't move without an engine.

PAM DENSCH: And American naval ships cannot move without us.

BOB CHURCHILL: Thanks to Tammy Baldwin that's how it's gonna stay.

JASON VOSS: Tammy Baldwin's Made in America Shipbuilding Act make sure ships for our armed forces are built here in the U.S.

FRED STEWART: And that means thousands of jobs.

FLORY: Tammy Baldwin has been a fierce fighter for keeping jobs here in America.

DENSCH: She's backed us a hundred percent.

BALDWIN: I'm Tammy Baldwin and I'm fighting to do right by Wisconsin workers. That's why I approve this message.