Tiffany Shedd

Tiffany Shedd for Congress - Oct. 4, 2017

Tiffany Shedd
October 04, 2017
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Campaign status: Lost

SHEDD: The West is a place of endless possibility, boundless optimism, and rugged individualism. We love our open spaces, our God given rights and the freedom to live our lives on our terms. My family has been living in rural Arizona for 100 years. This is where we've chosen to make our home. It's where we've chosen to raise our kids, and lay down roots. But our Western way of life is changing. The threat of big government creeps closer. Our property rights are threatened. Our second amendment rights are under attack. We need to make a choice: give in or stand up and fight! I'm Tiffany Shedd and I choose to stand and fight because Washington D.C. has stopped listening. Arizona deserves a real leader who understands our way of life. Who doesn't just go along with Washington politics. We need a Washington outsider focused on ethics, honesty, and integrity. As a constitutional conservative, no longer can I just sit aside and watch politicians threaten our way of life. There's so much work to do and that's why I'm running for Congress. Join our fight! Let's stand up for the West! I'm Tiffany Shedd and I approve this message.