Kristi Noem

Mother's Day - May 24, 2018

Kristi Noem
May 24, 2018— South Dakota
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Campaign status: Won

NOEM: People love my mom. Well when I was growing up, my mom was a caretaker. She loves to cook, she loves to take care of individuals, and she always had this dream of owning a restaurant someday. So after Dad passed away she had an opportunity to do that. She turned it into a beautiful place. People love to come.

NOEM’S MOTHER: I am very proud of Christy because of her determination. There was a point in her life when people were wanting her to run for United States Congress. She wanted us all to pray and decide. She included all of us in that decision. We are a praying family, that's how we roll.

NOEM: I remember many times as dad was giving us unique challenges, she was shoving food in our pockets to make sure that as kids got to eat, and she supported us and when we failed told us to get back out there and do it again.