Kristi Noem

Happy Birthday, President Reagan - February 6, 2018

Kristi Noem
February 06, 2018— South Dakota
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Campaign status: Won

NOEM: Today is February 6th it's President Ronald Reagan's birthday. That's important because he made sure that we limited the role of the federal government in people's lives, but he also strengthened America's military.

REAGAN: Government's first duty is to protect the people not run their lives.

NOEM: President Jimmy Carter cut the b-1 bomber program and it was President Ronald Reagan that brought it back, and today Ellsworth Air Force Base is the home to that very bomber. One of the things I admire about President Ronald Reagan has that he put America first, and he made sure that every single citizen was free to pursue their American dream.

REAGAN: Our Constitution is a document in which we the people tell the government what it is allowed to do.

NOEM: I've always admired President Reagan. I have his picture hanging in my office at home and it's a great reminder to me of the leadership that he always provided for our country, and as governor I would be that type of leader. From me and all the conservatives across South Dakota, happy birthday, President Reagan.