Deedra Abboud

Deedra for US Senate 2018 - June 30, 2017

Deedra Abboud
June 30, 2017
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Campaign status: Lost

ABBOUD: The journey that I have decided to take on today is not just for the people who look like me or sound like me, but for all Arizonans. I come from a single parent, I was a public school, and we did not have health care. I moved to Arizona in 1998 after visiting this beautiful state and absolutely falling in love. When 9/11 serve our country, I became an advocate not because I was a Muslim experiencing hate and fear mongering, but because I was American. We need to empower our working families, our youth, our veterans, our entrepreneurs, our innovators to ensure that all Arizonans succeed. This isn't about left and right, it's about today and a tomorrow that unites us and gets the work done.