Gwen Graham

Early Education Workday - March 19, 2018

Gwen Graham
March 19, 2018
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Campaign status: Lost

GRAHAM: I just wrapped up my 54th workday and the Redlands Christian Migrant Association is a special place. I spent the morning in a VPK classroom with four and five-year-olds primarily, they made sure to tell me how old that they are. I served them breakfast this morning and then had outside playtime and then Center time. As a mom, I remember taking my daughter, my oldest Sarah, to kindergarten. So many of those kids in the classroom had not had the advantage of a quality early childhood education that Sarah had had, and I became friends with their families and I watched those kids struggle and have more challenges. It does not matter where a child lives, what color of their skin is, what language they speak, as governor I'm going to support early childhood education. Immokalee in the migrant communities are often overlooked, but I learned- I learned from my dad that it is important that you be present in all communities across the state of Florida so that you can learn and understand how as governor you can make a difference in their lives. There's actually a terrific photo of my dad holding a young girl and I have had that same experience today, holding so many children and having them want to grab my hand and they will always have my hand. I look forward to being a governor that focuses on providing that quality early childhood education and seeing the look in the kids eyes that I've seen today and that my dad saw so many years ago.