Martha McSally

Senate Campaign Announcement - January 12, 2018

Martha McSally
January 12, 2018
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Campaign status: Lost

ANNOUNCER: 26 years in uniform, she's taken the fight to the enemy and the establishment.

ANNOUNCER: The US Air Force decided Martha McSally had the right stuff; the first female pilot to fly in combat. Colonel McSally is not afraid of a good fight. She has launched a one-woman campaign against a military policy in Saudi Arabia that forced her to wear a long black Islamic robe over her Air Force uniform.

MCSALLY: I absolutely refuse to bow down to Sharia law. After eight years of fighting, I won my battle for the religious freedom of American Service women. Now, I've deployed to DC to fight for Arizona, supporting our troops and saving the a-10, protecting Arizona jobs and securing the border.

TRUMP: My friend Martha McSally, she's the real deal. She's tough.

MCSALLY: Like our president, I'm tired of PC politicians and their BS excuses. I'm a fighter pilot and I talk like one. That's why I told Washington Republicans to grow a pair of ovaries and get the job done. Now, I'm running for the Senate to fight the fights that must be won on national security, economic security, and border security. After taking on terrorists in combat, the liberals in the Senate won't scare me one bit.

ANNOUNCER: Patriot, warrior, leader, Martha McSally for United States Senate.