Sheila Simon

United Cricket Tournament - April 30, 2014

Sheila Simon
April 30, 2014— Chicago, Illinois
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High school and college, and I know what you learn from- I- I was high jumper yes oh we're getting a demonstration of the cricket pitch they're very good all right. So- so anyway I understand the importance of sports and the importance of competition and what you learn from how you can push yourself, right? When you're engaged in sports you- you push yourself to the limit, you train, you practice, and you see the results and again in it's a lot of fun in addition, so I'm very pleased to be here to start off the celebration, and I wish that I could stay longer but I'm taking a very early trip down to Springfield tomorrow, but I look forward to continuing the celebration in August 23rd … 22nd … ok alright so more celebration to come and I look forward to joining you all again soon. Thank you very much.