Sue Myrick

Political Ad - Oct. 24, 2008

Sue Myrick
October 28, 2008
Print friendly
Campaign status: Won

MYRICK: As a mother and grandmother, I naturally want to make this economic mess all better. But I will not make you hollow promises, however, I do promise to do for you and your family exactly as I do for myself and my family. When I was a child my family was one of humble means. I shared my parents’ struggles with the necessities of life, then again with my own family. I'm no stranger to the stresses to take home pay, pay out for food, the kids’ needs, health insurance, housing and utility bills, transportation, taxes, taxes, taxes, and the endless struggle to save. Like so many of you now is my children and grandchildren struggles I share. So please remember, when it make decisions, thoughts of your family are as vivid as thoughts of my own family. I’m Sue Myrick, and I approved this message.