Lisa Blunt Rochester

Celebratory Win of House Seat - November 8, 2016

Lisa Blunt Rochester
November 08, 2016— Wilmington, Delaware
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We just made history. [applause] This- this is what history looks like. This is what coming together and moving forward feels like. Can you feel it? Tonight for the first time in our state's founding since 230 years ago, we are sending a woman and a person of color to Congress. [applause] I am humbled and honored to stand before you tonight and say we did it together. [applause]

I said when I go to Washington, I'm representing a lot of different interests, people, perspectives, and I'm just really humbled and excited to go and serve. There was the “what” which is jobs in the economy and really focusing on things that will really help Delaware everything from building our infrastructure to dealing with issues like equal pay for equal work, to the “how” and part of that is what I want to talk about tonight that if we don't come together, we won't be able to deal with any of the problems. So what I hope to take to DC is also a positive spirit and bringing people together.

We ran a great race. We just- you know, it's that blue wall, new castle county right? Yeah, so hey I'm proud to be … but I'm proud to be a Republican. I am a patriot all the way. I love America. We all need to do what's best for America. We will get through this. I called and congratulated Lisa, and God bless America.