Marine Le Pen

Succession Speech- May 7, 2017

Marine Le Pen
May 07, 2017
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Marine Le Pen, after losing in the second round of the French election to Emmanuel Macron, delivered her concession speech.

My dear compatriots, from abroad, and at home. The French have chosen a new President of the Republic, and they voted for continuity. I called Mr. Macron to congratulate him on his election because I have the interest of the country at heart. And I suggested, I hoped, he would succeed. I would like to thank the 11 million French who voted for me, as well as the activists who supported me throughout this campaign. I would also like to thank (inaudible) and his movement, and also the various well-known people who supported me; for a choice that was courageous.

Through this historic and amazing result, the French people have decided upon an alliance which is Patriotic and Republican, with the full force of the opposition. It is the first project of the new president, and they’ve taken the responsibilities of the people who did not take the responsibility and discredited themselves; and didn’t take a credible stance.

The first round, in fact, led to a major decomposition of French political life through eliminating previous parties. The second round organizes a re-composition because of a difference between the patriots and the globalizers; so it’s this major choice that, in fact, the French will face during legislative elections. I will be at the head of that fight, to try and gather those who want to select France, defend its independence, its freedom, its prosperity, its safety, its identity, its social model, because we’re very concerned with regard to the perspectives of the new five-year term. The National Front have decided also to have alliances and has to renew itself in order to be capable of dealing with this historical opportunity and the expectations of the French that were expressed in the second round. So therefore, I would suggest that we should have a deep transformation movement to set up a new political force. A great number of French people wish for it, and it’s more than necessary. I also would like to call all the patriots to join, so to be able to participate in the decisive political combat that will begin tonight. More than ever, in the coming months, France will need you. Long live the Republic, long live France.