Heidi Heitkamp

Your Voice - Jul. 19, 2012

Heidi Heitkamp
July 19, 2012
Print friendly
Campaign status: Won

HEITKAMP: Hi! I’m Heidi Hietkamp, and for fourteen years I served as a state official. During that time I worked closely with tribal governments to address the concerns of people in Indian country. Those experiences shaped my respect for tribal government and for tribal sovereignty. Today, I am asking for your support in my race for the United States Senate. The stakes could not be higher. We must pass a Violence Against Women Act that protects native families by recognizing tribal court jurisdiction. We must not turn back the clock and repeal the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. We must work diligently to guarantee that all native children have access to quality education, from head start all the way through college. We must not quit until every native family has access to affordable housing. As your next United States Senator, I hope to serve on the Indian Affairs Committee in the tradition of Senator Byron Dorgan. But I can’t get there without your help. Please vote. Please encourage your family and friends to vote. Please vote and be heard for your children. With your help, I will be your voice in the United States Senate.