Ruth Ann Minner

September 11th Anniversary Memorial Speech - Sept. 11, 2002

Ruth Ann Minner
September 11, 2002
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One year.

One year can blink by in a moment, or one year can feel like a lifetime.

One year is not enough time to build a skyscraper or an airplane, but either one can be destroyed in a moment.

One year is enough time to heal a wounded body, but it is not nearly enough time to mend a battered heart.

One year is barely enough time to rebuild a damaged building, but it is more than enough time to rebuild a wounded spirit.

In one year, we can say prayers, fly flags, hug our children, give blood, make ourselves safer, bring ourselves closer, go to war and hope for peace.

In one year, we can realize that firefighters, soldiers, police officers and EMTs are the true heroes of our communities, our states and our nation, but we cannot do nearly enough in one year to thank them.

In one year, we pass through each of the seasons, and we know there is a season for all things: a time to be born and a time to die; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to tear down and a time to build; a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance.

One year ago, the world stopped turning. But then it turned again. We wept and then we laughed again. We mourned and then we danced again. We go on but we will always look back. We look forward but we will always remember.

One year ago, the men and women of New York’s fire department lost 343 brothers and sisters in a moment. But that moment will be remembered on this day and each day, this year and every year.

I am proud and humbled to introduce Vincent Forras, fireman from New York.

Thank you.

Minner, Ruth. 2002. "September 11th Anniversary Memorial." VoteSmart.