Marcia L Fudge

Launching New Affordable Health Care - Oct. 29, 2009

Marcia L Fudge
October 29, 2009— Washington, D.C.
Press conference
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America’s Affordable Health Choices Act will revolutionize healthcare for women. Ending the discrimination we face under our current system. More than 14 million American women who have purchased health insurance in the private market last year paid up to 48 percent more in premium costs than men. Insurance companies routinely practice what they call gender rating, and that permits them to charge men and women different premiums for the very same coverage. America’s Affordable Health Choices Act will make gender rating illegal. Never again. Never again will insurance companies be able to deny women coverage for C-sections because we are pregnant, because we are victims of domestic violence. Never again will insurance companies be able to deny us just for being women.

America’s Affordable Health Choices Act will make healthcare affordable for all of America’s women and protect us from high and potentially unmanageable out-of-pocket healthcare cost. This bill will improve healthcare for not only women, but for all Americans. Thank you.

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