Maggie Hassan

Why Now? - Oct. 10, 2016

Maggie Hassan
October 10, 2016
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Campaign status: Won

NEWS ANCHOR: We are now hearing from Senator Kelly Ayotte one day after she backed out of supporting Donald Trump.

REPORTER #1: Kelly Ayotte doing her best to distance herself from Donald Trump.

REPORTER #2: Distance herself from Donald Trump.

REPORTER #3: For months, Kelly Ayotte said she supported Donald Trump.

REPORTER #4: Just days ago, at a debate, Ayotte said that she would consider Trump a role model for her children.

AYOTTE: Absolutely, I would do that.

REPORTER #5: Why did it take till now, for instance, for Kelly Ayotte to say, “Ok. This is it. This is the last straw.”

REPORTER #6: She sees the tide shifting. That’s what I read into this statement.

REPORTER #7: This helps her future political viability.

REPORTER #8: What she values is her seat, and she’s trying to keep something she values.

REPORTER #9: Tried to save her own campaign.