Elizabeth Warren

Who am I?- Nov. 13, 2011

Elizabeth Warren
November 13, 2011
Print friendly
Campaign status: Won

WARREN: I'm Elizabeth Warren. I'm running for the United States Senate and before you hear a bunch of ridiculous attack ads, I want to tell you who I am. Like a lot of you, I came up the hard way. My dad sold carpet, and when he had a heart attack, my mom went to work so we could keep our house. We all worked. My three brothers joined the military, I got married at 19, had 2 kids, worked my way through college, taught elementary school, and then I went to law school. For years, I worked to expose how Wall Street and the Big Banks are crushing middle class families. It just isn’t right. I stood up to the army of big banks and their Washington lobbyists. I worked to hold them accountable. I led the fight for a new agency to protect consumers. And we got it. But Washington is still rigged for the big guys, and that’s got to change. I’m Elizabeth Warren and I approve this message because I want Massachusetts families to have a level playing field.