Kay Hagan

Votes 2 - Nov.1, 2008

Kay Hagan
November 01, 2008
Print friendly
Campaign status: Won

WOMAN 1: Senator Dole votes with George Bush ninety-two percent of the time.

MAN 1: But in North Carolina, that's more than a statistic.

WOMAN 2: June 10, 2008. She gave $17 billion to oil and gas companies.

MAN 2: March 2005. More tax breaks for corporations that send our jobs overseas.

MAN 3: June 21, 2006. Her third vote against raising the minimum wage.

BOY: And last November, she voted against expanding health care for kids.

MAN 4: North Carolina comes first, not President Bush and the special interests.

HAGAN: I'm Kay Hagan and I approve this message.