Carol Shea-Porter

Stand with me- Jun 13, 2014

Carol Shea-Porter
June 13, 2014
Print friendly
Campaign status: Won

SHEA-PORTER: My family roots in New Hampshire go back as far as this beautiful old farm, with direct descendants of Revolutionary War hero John Stark, famous for his call to live free or die. I loved growing up in a big middle-class family, three generations under one roof. Mom and Dad had small businesses, and we all helped. We learned the value of hard work, responsibility, faith, fairness. I put myself through UNH working minimum wage jobs on the factory floor. I married my husband, an army officer. We had kids, and those days were full with carpools, scouts, sports and arts. I taught history and politics, started a nonprofit social service agency to help others and ultimately ran for Congress to make a bigger difference. When I got to Congress I did what I said I'd do. I fought for moral budgets that invest in jobs, education and infrastructure and support our most vulnerable. I voted to stop the NSA from snooping on Americans without a warrant. I want all families to have the same opportunities I had. Good jobs, access to health care, to own a home, put away some money for retirement, have a little left over for pizza on Friday night. For too many, the American Dream is slipping away. We need more jobs, workers' wages are flat, and our tax code favors the wealthiest. But I know America still holds the promise of opportunity for all. And I will work for this every day of Congress. I've never taken a dime from D.C. lobbyists or corporate packs, so you know who I stand for. I invite all who share that vision to with me as we work to restore the American dream.