Loretta Sánchez

Only/Solamente - May 13, 2106

Loretta Sánchez
May 13, 2016
Print friendly
Campaign status: Lost

ANNOUNCER: Named one of the most influential women in Congress, Loretta Sanchez is a senior member of the Armed Services and Homeland Security committees. Loretta Sanchez courageously voted against the Iraq Ware and the Wall Street bailout. Loretta Sanchez is the only candidate with national security experience.

SANCHEZ: I want to create jobs, expand educational opportunity and health care, and pass immigration reform. I'm Loretta Sanchez and I approve this message, because I'm ready to meet our challenges at home and abroad.

Spanish version (Solamente): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-gGyjbk1jM&feature=youtu.be