Kay Hagan

North Carolina is Not For Sale- Oct. 20, 2014

Kay Hagan
October 20, 2014
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Campaign status: Lost

HAGAN: What are we gonna do? We are going to say that North Carolina is not for sale. [Cheers] And I want you to say that with me. [All: North Carolina is not for sale.] We're going to tell the billionaire Koch brothers that they cannot come in here and buy our state. We're also going to get a twofer in this election. And that is, we're going to keep me as our U.S. Senator, and we are kicking Thom Tillis out [interrupted by cheers] And the way we're going to do this is we're going to do it door-to-door, neighbor-to-neighbor, folk-to-folk. We are going to tell people why this is so important, that the stakes are so high. It's going to take volunteers, each and every one of you. I ask you, please go on my website. Help us. You wouldn't be here tonight if you didn't realize how high these stakes really really are. I am going full-steam ahead, so I'll be here in North Carolina every day, counting on doors, going to places just like this with you, and we are going to show North Carolina that we are going to keep this seat and we are going to turn North Carolina liberal, so we have got to come together and have the opportunity for the weak to grow strong and the strong to grow great. And we're going to connect and we're going to believe that. Nov. 4, let's all celebrate together, and help me go for another six years. [Cheers.]