Hillary Rodham Clinton

Marlon Speaks about Education - Oct. 14, 2016

Hillary Rodham Clinton
October 14, 2016
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Campaign status: Lost

MARLON: Education is extremely important to me. My mom was a teacher for 35 years. She taught in a inner-city school. They didn't have much money to afford pens, pencils, paper, and so she went out and bought a lot of those resources herself. I went to school about eight miles down the road, suburban area. We had pens, pencils, paper, and computers. We don't have that access to a quality education. It can change that trajectory. We need to invest in making sure we can have that type of success for our young people, our young African-American students. Secretary Clinton has been super passionate about education, particular for young people, her entire career in public service. Regards to the public school system, Secretary Clinton wants to look at great schools and how do we replicate some of those models and share some of those best practices with school districts across the country. I cosign with Hillary Clinton because she fights for kids and families every single day.