Hillary Rodham Clinton

Jaylon - Oct. 15, 2016

Hillary Rodham Clinton
October 15, 2016
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Campaign status: Lost

NAKIYA: This is my son, Jaylon. He loves taking pictures and playing outside with the boys. Right now in Flint, we're still dealing with this water crisis. He's been exposed to high levels of lead, so he's been having trouble with school. It just wasn't my kids and myself poisoned in Flint, the whole Flint community was poisoned. Hillary Clinton made sure that Flint was on everyone's minds around the world.

CLINTON: I've spent a lot of time, last week, being outraged by what's happening in Flint, Michigan, and I think every single American should be outraged. If the kids in a rich suburb of Detroit had been drinking contaminated water there would have been action.

NAKIYA: When Hillary came to Flint, she asked me to tell her my story, and when she'd seen my son she just fell in love with him at first sight. I know Hillary cares for people like us. It's just very important for everyone that can vote to get out and vote. We need someone like Hillary in office. All he says is Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, he loves Hillary. So if he could vote, I know he would vote for Hillary!