Colleen Hanabusa

Hypocrisy - Fall 2010

Colleen Hanabusa
October 01, 2010
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Campaign status: Won

HANABUSA: I'm Colleen Hanabusa and I approve this message.

ANNOUNCER: In his television commercials and speeches, Charles Djou has repeatedly criticized Colleen Hanabusa for not currently living in the 1st Congressional District, even though there's no requirement for her to do so and disregarding the fact that she plans to move—but that's not the problem or even an issue. The problem is that Charles Djou did exactly what he's now criticizing. Back in his own 2002 city council race, Djou campaigned to represent Hawaii Kai while he still lived in Kaneohe—the very same issue. But now he applies a different standard for others. It's this kind of political double-standard that turns voters off. Criticizing federal stimulus spending but smiling for news cameras to take credit. Exploiting the federal deficit to justify tax cuts for the rich. Talking about independence while voting the Republican Party line. You shouldn't say one thing and do another.